Medical Case Management
PACBLU is a leader in addressing the often complicated medical claims that impact valued employees, their families, employers and insurers. We collaborate with the injured worker, as well as medical and therapeutic providers, to ensure all parties work together to achieve a timely and sustainable recovery and return to work.
Our team understands both the local work environment and the resources the community can provide. Strong ties to the local medical and employer community have made PACBLU a valued partner to the insurance industry in the states we serve.
PACBLU takes an evidence-based approach to case management. We utilize tools including ODG and ACOEM to ensure the best treatment options are provided, and we remain focused on recovery.
Benefits of the PACBLU approach:
- Optimized and reduced cost of medical treatment
- Improved return-to-work opportunities and reduced time lost from work
- Earlier recovery through ensuring outcome-focused treatment
- Education of injured workers about treatment, return to work, and other expectations
- Reduced long-term disability costs
What PACBLU can do for injured workers:
- Ensure the highest level of care through Case Manager attendance at medical and therapy appointments
- Help with understanding the illness or injury
- Ensure choices about medical care are made collaboratively
- Help injured workers understand expectations and work toward medical maximum improvement
Certifications, standards and ethics

PACBLU Medical Case Managers are bound by the professional standards and ethics of their certifications. We follow the philosophy of the Case Management Society of America and are guided by URAC Case Management Standards. Our Case Managers have backgrounds in occupational health, disability management, care cost-containment, long-term care, acute and intensive care, and education. They have extensive knowledge of, and experience with, the workers’ compensation laws in the states they service.